Double header Cobia/Dolphin

Always a blast and never a dull moment with G! 2 days were on the book – one for cobia and one to head out for dolphin – Plenty of meat is headed back inland!! Thank you so much Gib… we can’t wait to see you again! 🙂

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Cobia time!

We left the dock around lunch..”Moose” had us chartered today for the first time..It was great to be fishing after a long hunting season. .We gotem good.3 citations and the others were great fish in that 30 to 40 lb class..Congrats on the upcoming ceremony Moose.We have a couple days open next week..


Headed to Hatteras!

We are ready..We will be heading to Hatteras this week and start fishing Saturday down there for a couple weeks. Then we will b back to Pirates Cove for the remainder of summer. . .We have a few days open while in Hatteras so give us a call if you would like to go fishing. .
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Turkey Recap…

We are headed into the final stretch – one more week to go and then another season will sadly roll to a close.  Just to catch up on the previous 2 weeks of Spring Turkey Season… Fantastic work everybody!!  A tribute to the tremendous amount of work and talent put into scouting and prepping, positioning and calling… all to simply get the chance for everyone to see one of the most incredible displays Mother Nature has to offer – a beautiful mature gobbler, strutting and spitting, all at eye level and often times within mere steps of you.  An experience to behold… and for the shots fortunate enough to find their target – Congratulations!  

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2014 Summer Fishing Season is fast approaching!

A little reminiscing from last year’s (2013) COBIA bite… just a reminder of one of many incredible fisheries we have here on the Outer Banks.  We are headed to Hatteras for a few weeks next month (May) to kick off the season then back to Manteo for the summer… Give us a call – Let’s go fishing!

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Farm Work… never ending prep for the ducks

Getting it done at the tyrrell county impoundments. ..poor ducks…last two are at the hyde county impoundments we are adding…details for our duck family will b sent by email on upcoming opportunities for club memberships and an additional 1757 acres we have added. .if there in the state we will have em…quack 

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Spring Turkey – Opening Day 2014

Opening day of Turkey season for the big boys proved to be an awesome day..Allways a blast with these characters. ..Turkey its what’s for dinner. .

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Spring Turkey

Spring Turkey Season is here!!!  The Youth get to enjoy the first week and it is so nice to see kids out in the environment – no iPad, no phones, no videos… just mother nature and wildlife.  Quality time spent in the outdoors with family is invaluable and often short lived as our kids grow up incredibly fast.  We are so very thankful to be a part of it all.  An enormous CONGRATULATIONS to our Abbie!!  Weeks of target practice and mounting excitement all paid off.  No blind or cover…. she has never sat this still in all her 6 years.  Dad was shaking like a leaf with excitement and Abigail simply whispered “I got this”… 11 1/2 inch beard, 1 1/4 inch spurs, 20.3 lbs; one shot… a trophy for anyone and extraordinarily special for our young lady… Nice work kiddo 🙂

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Spring Rock

Had David Purinai down today for some light tackle sound rockfishing.. Consistent action for us all day..Glad for the beautiful weather and good fishing. .Back to the lodge now for cocktails and fresh rock…We will be after them again tomorrow. . 


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Spring Haul Out

Another sure sign of spring…. time in the yard!!  The Fistful is up and the boys are hard at work prepping for the fast approaching Summer season.  A fresh coat of bottom paint, barrels of elbow grease, lots of love and tons of wax 🙂  We’ll spend a couple of weeks again in Hatteras this year beginning May 12th – Days are filling fast so anyone interested in fishing out of Hatteras please let us know as soon as possible!

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