
Quick Catch Up

Quick catch up!  The summary is Awesome fishing and Awesome groups!!  Between a website re-do, boat swapping/upgrading, and a thankful near miss with the last hurricane – I have totally fallen behind on fishing report updating.  Many apologies and hopefully I’ll get this one right so it stays put!  Offshore trips have found billfish, tiles, dolphin and still some tuna!  Nearshore adventures are finding ribbons, mackeral, bluefish, albecore and more.  Tournament week wrapped up Friday with phenomenal billfish catches and a fantastic showing of local talent!! (Congratulations everybody!!)  The Alice Kelly Memorial event was a success as always and pretty work to all the ladies!!  Go girls!!  This summer has been a ton of fun so far and still lots more to come… Thank you so much to all our groups… you all make what we do so fun and tremendously rewarding! We have August 24 and 28 still open and several options in September – Let’s go fishing!!!

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to all our visitors!  Our season has kicked off with a great start… thanks everybody!!  We have a couple of weather days ahead of us but then will be back at as soon as the winds and seas settle…. We are full the rest of May but have days open starting June 3rd – Save your spot!! Let’s go fishing!!!

The fishing countdown is on!!

It’s official – The Outer Banks will be open to ALL visitors starting Saturday May 16th at 12:01 am!  We are so excited to be opening our doors to all of our visitors… we hope everyone is safe and healthy and we are looking forward to getting back on the water.  We have the 27th and 28th still available in May and more options in June for anyone looking to get out there in the near future.  Offshore fishing continues to be fantastic and the Cobia are set to show any day now!  Give us a call to save your day or if anyone has any questions during this crazy time… Most of our restaurants are open for take and/or delivery (and need all of our support now more than ever!) and our area is actively practicing social distancing plus sporting PPE in our groceries, pharmacies, and other retail establishments where distancing may be difficult (so bring your favorite fishing buff – it’s dual purpose now!).  Please keep in mind that essential supplies (such as the ever elusive toilet paper and paper towels) are still limited and bringing as many of these items as you can with you is recommended.  Thanks to all who have been patiently waiting… see you soon!!  P.S… a few quick memories from last season… Let’s go fishing!!!

Wishes for Health, Strength, and Getting Back to fishing soon!

What an unexpected situation we have all been thrown into since our last post.  A HUGE Thank you to all of our First Responders, Medical Personnel, essential business employees, grocery staff, Military and all the rest out there working to keep things rolling.  Our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone in this different reality we are all working with and we look so forward to the light at the end of the tunnel – it is getting closer and closer every day!!


What about April fishing??  It has been phenomenal!!  TUNA has been the main fare with some mahi mahi mixed in and even a blue marlin already!!  Charters and Commercial Fishing have been limited on the Outer Banks but both should be picking up the pace rapidly as our visitors are able to come back to see us – the COBIA are getting close so we are all ready to get back to the water!!  Some sightings are starting towards Hatteras which means they are on tract to get to us early to mid-May… just in time to Spring haul the Fistful, Wrap up Turkey season, and finish up farm projects!!  Anyone looking to get on the books for the summer please give us a call – our calendar is continuing to fill up and we will certainly accommodate anyone needing to change or cancel a trip if need be.  Don’t hesitate to call or email if anyone has any questions or needs any information.


Meanwhile… it’s Spring Turkey season and project time!!!  Enjoy this time with your family – it’ll be back to business as usual before we know it.  We can’t wait to see everyone and don’t forget to support your neighbors and local small businesses as best you can…  See everyone soon!



Another Duck Season in the books!

What a crazy time this year’s waterfowl season turned out to be!  With insanely gorgeous weather our ducks made us work hard to find them but what a ton of fun when we all got together!   A huge thank you to ALL our hunters – waterfowl, bear, and upland birds (still going strong on Quail until the end of March!)… it is our awesome clientele that makes all the sweat, work, late nights and early mornings worth every minute and always memorable… Thank you.


As we plow into Spring the prep for next year is here and so are the Rockfish!!  Inland river trips are the table fare this time of year and the fish have been biting already!  Turkey season is just around the corner and you know who shows up after that – Mr. COBIA!!!


Thank you again to everyone… We are looking forward to next year already!!!



Awesome Summer Fishing!

We are entering one of our favorite times of the season!  July brings sunny skies, beautiful water, awesome fishing, and tons of great people! Thank you so much everybody!  Nearshore family fun trips are a fantastic way to spend time together and get out there to not only catch fish but to see all sorts of cool stuff… what a great excuse fishing gives us to spend time on the water!  And the dolphin (Mahi Mahi) have shown up for our Offshore Full Day trips in addition to tunas, tiles, almacos, kings, barracuda and more!! Even a White Marlin Yesterday!! We have some openings this week – Let’s Go Fishing!!!


Posted by Karl Helmkamp on Monday, July 1, 2019

Summer Fishing is here!!

The season is in full swing! Variety is the name of the game for this year’s start… Cobia, Mahi, Drum, Spanish, Kings, Tiles, Blues, even a Puffer and already seeing some billfish (jumped off a sail yesterday)!  The weather has been awesome and the fishing equally enjoyable… Thank you so much to everyone for getting this year rolling with so much fun!!  Give us a call if you want to get out there… it’s time to go fishing!


Cobia! Cobia! Cobia!

Cobia season is officially here and has started out with a bang! We have Memorial Day, June 3rd, and June 13th left available for our FULL DAY Cobia trip… please let us know ASAP if you are interested.  Thank you so much to everyone!!



Spring is here and Summer is close!!

We are wrapping up another fantastic Spring Turkey Season and looking so forward to FISHING SEASON!!  May and June are hot COBIA months and the fish are showing up already… we have a few spots left but they are filling fast – please let us know asap if you need to save a date!! It’s time to get out there!! A few memories from last cobia season…. let’s go fishing!!!!


Winter Catch Up!

We have had one of the busiest and most fun winters!  Exhausting but crazy rewarding, super fun, non-stop and never a dull moment 🙂  A huge thank you to all our hunters… you guys are family to us and we cannot tell you enough how much we appreciate and love you!! We miss everyone already 🙁  We kicked off the season out west and then got down to business back home with waterfowl, upland game hunts, winter boat maintenance and continuing construction on the new lodge (completely restored 1850 farmhouse…almost 3 years of work and finally getting to the end!).  Our lodge is scheduled to be up and running for turkey season and we are really excited to stop building and start enjoying it!  Upland Game Preserve Season continues until the end of March and we have had a blast starting up this new adventure!  We had a soft opening last season and with private hunts this year we are well on our way – we still have some availability this year of anyone is interested in getting some shooting in before it’s back to the water… Fishing will start rolling next month with inland Rockfish and we start chasing Turkeys in April… then… COBIA season!!  We are starting to fill days in May and June for the Fistful so please give us a call if you have days you want to save… it won’t be long before the winter is gone and sunny warm fishing days return!! Give us a shout!!