Back to Cobia

Back to Cobia with Brett and Erika…. you guys are a blast!! Thank you so much… Can’t wait til next time!!


Offshore June 3

My family joined us today..We had a great time. Always so good to have family support..We had a nice catch of dolphins and got hit by the bigeyes late in the day hooking 4 and catching one..We also had a really nice blue marlin on for Scott that chafed line after an impressive show.Will get him next time.Thanks guys..See you next year..


Fistful bringing one in the boat

A rare opportunity to snap a picture from another perspective!  Casey and Karl at work bringing another one in the boat! Let’s go fishing!!!


Yet another Cobia!

Pretty work Dino, family, and friends!!!  Fantastic  job  bringing this 74 pound citation back to the dock and great work to the kids for their mackerel and doing so well on a sporty day!!  Can’t wait til next time!!

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Cobia Action non-stop!

Nice work everybody!!  Thank you so much… see you next time!


Back to Cobia

Thanks to our friends from Franklin VA for joining us today for some cobia action..It was great to see everyone again..Enjoy the fresh fish and we cant wait for next time..We have Thursday open this week.

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Thanks for the pics!! Always great to see you guys!!! Can’t wait til next time!!

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More Dolphin!

Non stop action for John and the boys on Friday… Thanks fellas!

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The corbos came down for a sporty Thursday … it all paid off! Thanks everybody – Pretty Work!!


Cobia continues!

A huge congratulations to James and Linda – What a catch!!!!   First time out for Cobia and they bring in 2 studs… 81 and 73 pounds!  The 81 pounder was 63 inches long – and going on the wall!  Plus houndfish, albacore, bonita, King Mackeral bite, saw a sail, turtles, dolphin, oh my!  It was wonderful to see you guys again – Can’t wait til September!!

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