Dolphin July 12

We got a late start this morning departing around 7.we found some scattered grass and picked away at the dolphins. .We had one fat one that had a bailer size dolphin down his throat when we caught him.Pretty cool. Thanks as always guys.


Red Drum

I didn’t push post evidently but you know how much fun we always have…Fat red drum on spin tackle ..Cant wait to see you guys tomorrow. .Beautiful old fish… Thanks Katie and crew!

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Dolphin and Sailfish

After the storm..We had a pretty catch gaffers baffers and bailers and we released a sailfish.We got in early and enjoyed a beautiful day and drinks to the tiki bar.Thanks as always Paul.

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Hurricane Arthur done and gone

One more storm survived! Back to fishing on Sunday… Can’t wait!


Casey hard at work!

 Great pic Trav!!!  Thank you so much!!


Drum and more!

Giant red drum , cobias , Spanish, mahi, trigger fish , bluefish and even had an ole jack crevale on for a bit this afternoon. .We came across a pretty spot of drum this evening and had them to ourselves for a while catching and releasing over 20 of of them was tagged. .Then we cruised around and caught 4 cobia with only 1 being legal..congrats on the citations guys.

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Fishing continues to be great!

1/2 day trips have been the norm the last several days… mackerels, blues, and cobia!!  Great fishing and fantastic groups.   Thanks to everyone!! 

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Pretty work!!!  Thanks everybody!!

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Mackerel and dolphin

Cool day of fishing. .good mackerel fishing and a dolphin a half mile of the beach.always a bonus..Way to go Luke 1st cobra last year first dolphin this year. ..

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Thanks everybody!!!

Wanna go catch fish? Go with these guys. They are competitive and simply refuse to be denied. In short, they kick arse! This is the Lux and Hooftallen crew from Pa. We hammered close to 20 Spanish mackerel and two Cobia– one 35 inch keeper and a baby we threw back to catch another day. Thank you for the great time Captain K and first mate Casey. You guys took good care of us!
