More posts on the way…

I’m trying to catch up on the reports… Karl has been on the go!!  Fishing is great! I haven’t been able to get my hands on the camera to upload the photos from the last few days but will try again tonight… thanks for your patience everybody!

July 3rd… PM

Our afternoon trip was a wonderful family from Alabama… they claimed that this was their first time fishing on a boat but you would never know it! They did a great job getting in a nice catch of bluefish to take home.. so nice to meet you William, Emily, Laurie, and Marcus!

Summer Blues… July 3rd AM

We had a fantastic group from the home of the Hurricanes…Raleigh NC! (Yes… there is great ice hockey in the south!) These guys worked hard reeling in Bluefish and Spanish Mackerel, plus one baby Cobia… it didn’t take long and the whole crowd had “hand-lining” figured out – what a great bunch to have for a 3/4 day!  Thank you so much John, Kyle A., Paul, Kyle C., Cam, and Brock… you guys are awesome!…so nice to meet you all and we look forward to next time!!

Commercial Dolphin Day

The weather and the schedule somehow worked out perfectly to give us a day to slip out and do a little commercial fishing.  Usually a family trip, today we took our neighbor’s friend Greg (down from PA visiting for a few days) out with us for his first adventure with dolphin fishing… little did he know how much work he was in for! (Great job btw!!) We were fortunate enough to find the bailers (although way offshore…) plus one nice citation size gaffer.  The weather was wonderful and made for a fantastic day.  Just another word of thanks to “Outer Banks Catch” for increasing public awareness of the importance and quality of our local seafood and to all the restaurants that support the commercial fishermen of the Outer Banks by purchasing truly fresh, locally caught fish…We appreciate all of you so much!



Nearshore action in full force…

I am trying to get a little caught up all at once!  We have been busy lately with near shore trips… so many great people from all over the country (and in some cases the world!) have been fishing with the Fistful during their vacations on the Outer Banks… the Bluefish and Spanish Mackerel bites have been great during the half-day trips and the 3/4 and full day trips have been able to venture out a little further after other species as well.  Thank you to all the individuals, families, and friends that have taken the time to go with us.. you all make the trips so enjoyable! Hope to see you again soon 🙂


Dolphin and Sailfish June 13

Mike and Darren…fantastic job!!!  These boys worked hard to make the most out of this full-day trip… we found the bailers scattered all along a nice condition..Wed get hit by small groups all along all day and ended up with a full box of fish… plus caught and released Darren’s first sailfish! (Hey Man!) Haha… Congratulations!!!Not bad for a full day NEARSHORE trip… What a great time… thank you both so much!  Mike… always a blast!  Can’t wait til next time!!

June 11th report

We had a really nice family from Raleigh NC with us today for an afternoon half day..We departed pirates cove at 11am and returned around 3:30.Fishing was really good in the inlet for the nice size bluefish and spanish mackeral..We caught 150 plus fish throwing back plenty once everyone was happy..Thank you guys for the great trip and think everyone had a great time…

Boston Mackerels

What a fantastic group today!! Sweeeeet Caroline… always a great time with a Boston crowd!!  The morning was full of Bluefish and Spanish Mackerel and these guys never missed a beat – even when we finished up the trip with a confused pelican that mistook a mackerel rig for brunch!  After a brief visit to the cockpit for a de-tangle and quick photo op he was sent back to his feathered buddies with advice on what not to eat… Jack, Greg, Pat – Thank you so much!  It was wonderful to meet you guys! Have a safe trip back and we’ll see you next time!

Q and crew last trip in Hatteras 2011

We set out exactly where we left from the day before..When we arrived a condition had formed up in a little bit shallower water than the blank water we would have been fishing the day before..We fished around for several hours until noon picking at the gaffers..The word on the radio was grim and we had one of the better catches of the fleet..So I gave my crew the option to go inshore and catch some spanish and look for a cobia..My boys here like bent poles so off we went..On the way in in 4 fathoms we saw a sailfish..Ran him right over.Pretty cool.Got to the hook and there where acres of spanish..We made quick work of a limit and they where classy fish..Arriving to the dock we made the right call.

May 22nd Hatteras

Today we took a family trip offshore in hopes of having a good catch to sale as well as taking Abigail on her first real offshore adventure..She did great and the weather could not have been any better..Flat calm and blue skies all day…As well as great fishing…We were fortunate enough to find some bigger patches of grass way out in the deep in 110 fathoms that were holding some good charges of gaffer golphin..We not only had a great family day but were able to make th most out of our efforts… I left my camera behind on the boat and will update all the catches and charters when I return.These are all pictures Kathy had on her camera..