Happy 4th and Happy Fishing Outer Banks!!!

A giant Happy Independence Day to everyone!!  The 4th came and went with tons of fun and fishing with family and friends!! 🙂  Thank you Liz for making “the boys” take this day every summer to celebrate 🙂  Soooo much fun and yummy food and awesome company!!!!  Back to work for the rest of the days… Fantastic groups make what we do crazy fun!!!  Thank you everyone!!!  Tuna and Dolphin with Bills mixed in!!  FISHING HAS BEEN FANTASTIC!! We still have some days starting July 24… Give us a shout for more information or to get your name on the books!  Let’s go Fishing!!!!

Tuna, Mahi, Billfish, Wahooooooo!!

We are rolling through June and variety is the theme so far!  Tuna, Dolphin (Mahi), and Billfish (Blues and Whites so far!) with the occasional Wahoo thrown in!!  A huge thank you to all our awesome Fistful anglers… Way to kick off the summer!!  July is filling but we have some days still open here and there – get on the books if you want to get out there and Let’s go Fishing!!!


Rolling into Summer Fishing 2023!!!!

Quickie catch up!  Waterfowl season wrapped up (Thank you everyone!!!  What a BLAST of a season!! You all are awesome!!!) and prep for next year’s ducks got underway that same week… then don’t forget Spring Turkey!  Another great season with tons of fun and lot’s of adventure lol.  Spring fishing was fantastic when the weather cooperated (crazier than usual weather this year wow) and throw in a rebuild to kick off the summer!  TUNA, DOLPHIN, WAHOO and BILLFISH already this year!!!!  Thank you so much to all of our groups that joined in to kick off this year’s summer season – Can’t wait til next time!!!  We have openings starting July 5… days fill fast so please get your name on the books as soon as you can – Let’s go FISHING!!!!!


Summer Fishing Catch Up!!

We are winding down our Summer Fishing Season and what an AWESOME season it has been!!!!  We have a few more trips to wrap up and then on to the birds 🙂   A handful of weather days had us at the dock but mother ocean more than made up for it when we were out there!  Thank you so much everyone for fishing with us and helping us continue to make amazing memories… old friends, new friends, youngsters and the rest of us young at heart – you are why this business is so much fun and you are appreciated more than you know 🙂  Thank you.  For our Waterfowl Crew – give us a shout if you are not on the book yet… days are filling fast again this year and we don’t want to miss anyone!


Tuna, Dolphin, and Bills Oh My!!!

Summer fishing continues to be HOT!!  A few weather days and the boys are back at it again… Great groups and great fishing are the best combination!!!  Our Boat Builder’s Tournament Team had to change plans at the last minute which has suddenly opened us up several days this week – Give us a call if anyone is interested… an awesome opportunity to slide in on some great fishing!!!

Happy 4th and Happy Fishing!!!!

Summer is rolling into July with our classic mid summer menu of anything goes!  The TUNA are still around… the DOLPHIN (MAHI MAHI) are here… the BILLFISH (BLUE MARLIN and SAILS with a handful of WHITE MARLIN) are making their entrance as well plus yummy TILES and MORE!!!  Every day is different and always tons of fun!!  A few days off for weather (pop up Tropical Storm… only on the OBX lol!) and an awesome day of beach and boat fun with Family and Friends to pause for a minute to celebrate and appreciate those around us and the country we live in 🙂 Happy 4th everybody!!  We have some scattered days still open in July… give us a shout if you have a day in mind and LET’S GO FISHING!!!


Yay TUNA and Yay Summer FISHING!!!

The Yellowfin TUNA have continued to be the headlines for the last 2 weeks!  Awesome fishing and phenomenal groups… we can’t say THANK YOU!!!! enough to all of our anglers… our clients are our dear friends and being able to spend time with such wonderful people year after year brings us so much joy – you are the reason this crazy lifestyle is so rewarding.  When there are (then little!!) youngsters standing on the dock with a fishing pole catching fish in your slip waiting for you to get in so they can negotiate the logistics of booking a trip – all for the ability to go back and convince Dad to reserve a day – and then to have the opportunity to reconnect with these now incredible young men (and their friends!) every summer (and yes… Dad still gets to tag along lol)… is an experience hard to put into words.   Not to mention all of our grown ups (all eternal kids at heart…) and our newbies (we hope we did our job and got you addicted to this insanity)!!!  Fishing is the perfect excuse to all get together 🙂 Going through life with people that are so dear to us is one of the greatest gifts… Thank you everybody!!!  We have some days still open starting July 5… Give us a call – TIME TO GO FISHING!!!

June Fishing at it’s Best!!

Summer is in full swing and the last 10 days have been AWESOME!!!  The TUNA bite continues to be off the hook and our pals the DOLPHIN (MAHI MAHI) have arrived as well!  Phenomenal groups with tons of action, loads of fun, and great angling by our guys and gals and a special shout out to our YOUTH ANGLERS!!  You guys ROCK!!!  Those tuna are a work out!!!!  The schedule is continuing to fill up fairly quickly – please get on the books and save your date asap.  Let’s go FISHING!!!!


You never know what you are going to get into when you go Offshore fishing but right now it is TUNA!!! The Yellowfin Tuna fishing has been phenomenal, even a few Bigeye’s mixed in. These are the days that get talked about for a lifetime!!! Limits in the morning and back at the dock in time for everyone to enjoy the afternoon reminiscing about all the action!! And don’t forget the dolphin (Mahi Mahi)… they are taking second chair to the Tuna right now but they are showing up as well!  A huge Thank You to all our groups that have kicked off the season with tons of fun and amazing fishing!!! (Plus a special shout out to all the guys and ladies for the latest tournament shenanigans… First place overall in the TUNA tournament (fished only 1 day out of 3… you go Mike and the gang!!) and 3rd overall in the COBIA tourny (fished 2 days out of 3… Team W ROCKS!!!). Thanks everyone…. you all are awesome!!  LET’S GO FISHING!!!!!

Quick update and now It’s Time to FISH!!

Spring has been busy and tons of fun!  A huge thank you to all our Spring Turkey hunters!! (Sorry for the lack of pics… the boss has them all 🙂  The first wave of crops are in the ground in prep for Duck Season and the Fistful got a quickie spring spruce up in prep for Fishing Season!!  Our first trip is in the books and the boys found the Mahi to kick of the Summer… Pretty work guys!!  We had June 11 open up if anyone is interested and we have several days available starting June 29 – Trips have been filling fast so please give us a shout if you are ready to get on the schedule.  Time to Go Fishing!!!!!