Rockfish report (Jan 30th 2011)

Great group of my boys from up the sound today…So glad everyone could make it and thanks for the support..Q how much sponsorship coin do I owe you?We wacked it to em today with constant action and poles in a loop until the boys needed to quench there thirst.They were successful!!.Thanks for the great day..Allways a ball!!Gota love a man that will get in your fish box for a pic…We dont keep count.

Rockfish (Jan 30, 2011)

After pulling threw them several times with multiple bendos we started throwing them back by 930 am.Nice form!

Rockfish (Jan 16, 2011)

Motley crew! 🙂  Thank you guys so much for a fantastic day!!

Rockfish (Jan 15, 2011)

Dino…always a blast!  Can’t wait til next weekend!!

Rockfish (Jan 10, 2011)

Tremendous catch and release action today for these guys in addition to lots of meat for supper!  Several big fish got to go back including a nice citation at 53 inches… the weather settled a bit but was still a little rolling and gave everybody a work out… Nice work to James for reeling in (almost!) all the fish and to Linda for being so tough on such a choppy day!!  Looking forward to seeing you guys again!

Duck and Rock (Jan 7, 2011)

DUCKS in the morning and ROCKFISH in the afternoon!  With the incredible weather it was possible to fire the little boat out today.   The net boats took a break and the bite was on full force… over 30 catch and release in an hour and 15 minutes and then a nice limit to bring home…  Pretty work John and Matt!!  So nice to have these fish so close this year.

Rockfish (Jan 6, 2011)

The fish have been a little more picky the last few days… the afternoon bite was today’s choice.  Nice citation for Tony!


This sums up today!  What more could you ask for than calm seas, low wind, and fish like these… It’s awesome to have such a nice class of fish so close so early…something that has been a rare event the last several years…  What an incredible last few days!!

Robert and Abbie :)