Rockfish (Feb 12, 2011)

Just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS guys!!  Incredible fishing –  Big Al… Maaaaaatt… Stu Dud… and Brad… what a day!!  *** The big fish…61.5 pounds!! ***

Rockfish (Feb 12, 2011)

Pretty work guys!!!!  Nice class of fish!! 3 citations: 40.5 lb, 35.5 lb, and 35.0 lb… Dave, Tom, Jon…always a ball!!  Robert… so nice to meet you!!  Thank you guys so much for a wonderful trip!

Rockfish (Feb 9, 2011)

After the light tackle fun – we headed back to the beach… got lucky enough to fill the box… chatted with our local USCG for a friendly safety inspection… and headed back home… thankful for such an incredible day during a “hit or miss” time of the season!!  (Our charter had to cancel at the last minute so we headed out anyway – glad we did!!  Sorry guys if you are looking at this report… you never know when the good days will be…. we’ll go get ’em on the next trip!)

(p.s….Rob and Timbo – Thank you so much!! You guys are always a blast and awesome to fish with…you make it so fun and way easy!!!)

Rockfish (Feb 9, 2011)

CRAZY FUN catch and release action with light tackle!!!  The rock were boiling on top this morning, chasing terrified little cigar size minnows all around and under the boat… they were eating everything in sight!  Always an impressive thing to see these fish on top of the water… and no birds around this go. ( You never know!)  Several nice fish went back in the water… most were in the 20 to 35 pound range with one nice 40 pound fish on a BG15 with 12 pound test… FUN STUFF!!!

Rockfish (Feb 6, 2011)


The Corbo Gang!

Pretty work getting these fish in!!  Great company makes even a slow day fantastic… thank you so much everybody! (How many sandwiches DID you guys eat?!?!)

Rockfish (Feb 6, 2011)

Words of the day…SCATTERED and SLOW… despite the slim pickins that characterized today’s rockfish bite; we were lucky enough to scrape out a few fish and enjoy a beautiful day on the water with a fantastic group of guys!!  Thank you so much for your patience and understanding when the bite is not red-hot and great job getting these fish in!

Rockfish (Feb 5, 2011)

Our trip was rescheduled today due to weather/fog and terrible fishing reports…the latest trawl season closed last night….

Rockfish (Feb 4, 2011)

Another trawl day today.

Trawler By-Catch: Feb 3, 2011

I dont care if you fun fish , dont fish , commercial fish , have taken a few extra fish here and there you know this is not the right way to do it…Period….Its bottom line the biggest waste of a resource that has ever been…We all love these fish in eastern NC and up and down the east coast and Im no PETA fan as I have killed more or been the reason for more things killed than I can count but this is rediculous…KARL HELMKAMP 252-395-1907 MAKE A LIVING NOT A KILLING!!!!

Q and gang…

One last pic…This one was my favorite so I had to sqeeze it in… pretty work fellas!