Rockfish (Feb 6, 2011)
/in Outer Banks Fishing Reports, Uncategorized/by kathyWords of the day…SCATTERED and SLOW… despite the slim pickins that characterized today’s rockfish bite; we were lucky enough to scrape out a few fish and enjoy a beautiful day on the water with a fantastic group of guys!! Thank you so much for your patience and understanding when the bite is not red-hot and great job getting these fish in!
Trawler By-Catch: Feb 3, 2011
/in Outer Banks Fishing Reports, Uncategorized/by karlI dont care if you fun fish , dont fish , commercial fish , have taken a few extra fish here and there you know this is not the right way to do it…Period….Its bottom line the biggest waste of a resource that has ever been…We all love these fish in eastern NC and up and down the east coast and Im no PETA fan as I have killed more or been the reason for more things killed than I can count but this is rediculous…KARL HELMKAMP 252-395-1907 MAKE A LIVING NOT A KILLING!!!!
Rockfish report (Jan 30th 2011)
/in Outer Banks Fishing Reports, Uncategorized/by karlGreat group of my boys from up the sound today…So glad everyone could make it and thanks for the support..Q how much sponsorship coin do I owe you?We wacked it to em today with constant action and poles in a loop until the boys needed to quench there thirst.They were successful!!.Thanks for the great day..Allways a ball!!Gota love a man that will get in your fish box for a pic…We dont keep count.
Early Christmas…
/in Outer Banks Fishing Reports, Uncategorized/by kathyIt is typically the end of December or First of the Year before we start to see the ocean rockfish migration get down our way; however, Christmas may be here early this year! Reports from our neighboring Virginians and several North Carolina boats include nice catches of these impressive fish with several citations already brought to the docks! The schools are scattered and still predominately in the northern waters but should follow the bait south as the month goes on. We are busy this time of year with our guide service (deer and waterfowl) so we have had little time to see for ourselves but will keep track of what’s going on through the rest of the fleet…the water temperature is getting right though and everyone is hopeful for an early arrival this season!
Outer Banks Catch
/in Outer Banks Fishing Reports, Uncategorized/by adminOuter Banks Catch! This entire hook and line caught North Carolina fresh fish went to Kelly’s Restaurant on the Outer Banks. Thank you so much Mike for all your support… you keep local fisherman in business even when we don’t have charters and you are a model for others to follow by providing your customers with true, fresh, wild caught North Carolina seafood! This is what the Fistful does when we are not charter fishing… thanks to everybody that supports “Outer Banks Catch”!
Fistful Sportfishing
P.O. Box 1622
Manteo, NC 27954
252-395-1907 or 252-455-1595
Contact Us