
Swan Hunt today… (Jan 19, 2011)

Danny… it was so nice to meet you!  What an incredible job!!!  Looking forward to your next trip 🙂 (And what beautiful work on those marlin mounts!!)

Ducks (Jan 18, 2011)

What a blast!  Pretty work John and Will!!

Rockfish (Jan 16, 2011)

Motley crew! 🙂  Thank you guys so much for a fantastic day!!

Rockfish (Jan 15, 2011)

Dino…always a blast!  Can’t wait til next weekend!!

Ducks and Geese in the Timber (Jan 14, 2011)

Timber hunt this morning… plenty of action – ducks and geese both! (Good job Vegas!!)

Ducks (Jan 12, 2011)

Pretty work waterdog!  It was great to meet you!  Thank you guys so much for hunting with us… where is Dad hiding in all the pictures????  Can’t wait til next time!

(Merlefest here we come!!)


Is this your serious look??  🙂

Ducks (Jan 3, 2011)

Apparently we will let anybody hunt with us…….

Dave, Snake, Cadillac…. Thank you guys so much!  TRY to behave in Sturgis….. Ha!

Rockfish (Jan 10, 2011)

Tremendous catch and release action today for these guys in addition to lots of meat for supper!  Several big fish got to go back including a nice citation at 53 inches… the weather settled a bit but was still a little rolling and gave everybody a work out… Nice work to James for reeling in (almost!) all the fish and to Linda for being so tough on such a choppy day!!  Looking forward to seeing you guys again!

Ducks today (Jan 8, 2011)

John and Matt…nice work again!!