What an unexpected situation we have all been thrown into since our last post. A HUGE Thank you to all of our First Responders, Medical Personnel, essential business employees, grocery staff, Military and all the rest out there working to keep things rolling. Our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone in this different reality we are all working with and we look so forward to the light at the end of the tunnel – it is getting closer and closer every day!!
What about April fishing?? It has been phenomenal!! TUNA has been the main fare with some mahi mahi mixed in and even a blue marlin already!! Charters and Commercial Fishing have been limited on the Outer Banks but both should be picking up the pace rapidly as our visitors are able to come back to see us – the COBIA are getting close so we are all ready to get back to the water!! Some sightings are starting towards Hatteras which means they are on tract to get to us early to mid-May… just in time to Spring haul the Fistful, Wrap up Turkey season, and finish up farm projects!! Anyone looking to get on the books for the summer please give us a call – our calendar is continuing to fill up and we will certainly accommodate anyone needing to change or cancel a trip if need be. Don’t hesitate to call or email if anyone has any questions or needs any information.
Meanwhile… it’s Spring Turkey season and project time!!! Enjoy this time with your family – it’ll be back to business as usual before we know it. We can’t wait to see everyone and don’t forget to support your neighbors and local small businesses as best you can… See everyone soon!