
We rode and rode today and finally found a few cobia ;pulled 1 off and caught this one.thanks for hanging in there guys..



Spanish Bite June 18 PM

Little man had great action and did an awesome job putting it to the Spanish this afternoon. .Way to go buddy.Thank u as always Scotty!


Big Drum Catch and Release!

It was slow going and then we got clobbered by the giant red drum. .The entire school came up chasing everything we had out there.They stayed up long enough for us to hook 4 more on our spinning tackle. .We ended up 6 for 8 for our crowd from Michigan. Citations around. 

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Spanish and Cobia June 17

Little mans first cobia with us this afternoon. .way to go bud..And we also had a throw back baby cobra..

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June 16 Spanish Bite

Nice class of Spanish on our half day this morning. .we have a couple of spots open next week. .give us a call.


Happy Father’s Day!

Took today to spend family time on the water 🙂  Tons of fun and lots of action!  Happy Father’s Day everyone!!

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Chopper blues! June 13

Glenn joined us again today.We had tough luck pulling off two nice cobia out of the gate.Soon after we found a big spot of the big “chopper” bluefish and had a great time catching them on top water plugs and jigs.It was great to see them.We finished the day with a cobia.

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Cobia and Mackerel June 12

CJ with his first cobra tipping the scales at 67 pound we caught another 5 fish and let them swim for another day excellent Spanish fishing to go along with the other action.Thank you Scott..


June 8

Tons of action today with yellowfin and dolphin… we couldn’t ask for a nicer day on the water and better folks to spend it with… Thanks everybody!

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June 7 Cobia

Pretty work getting this nice fish to the boat… Thank you so much!!  The Cobia are moving closer…. get in on the action while they are here!!
