A massive CONGRATULATIONS all the winners but especially to the boys on the FISTFUL for your 2nd place overall finish in the CAROLINA BOAT BUILDERS TOURNAMENT!!! Wohoo Pretty Work everybody!!!!
This Billfish Tournament was started over 20 years ago as a scholarship fundraiser for our local youth of boat building, commercial fishing, and charter fishing families. Originally started in honor of (Boat Builder) Taylor Harrison to provide help with educations expenses for his family after his death… it has expanded over the years to a major contributor for all the kids in the maritime industry of Dare County.
The tournament is open to everyone and is especially dear locally. We have an amazing history of local boat builders that create masterpiece vessels infamous around the world for their design, beauty, and fishing prowess… it all started in back yard sheds over the winter and has evolved into a fascinating and renowned industry still proudly lead by our local boys! 2 of the top 3 boats this year were built by Buddy Cannady right here in Manteo (Go Fistful and Trophy Hunter!!!)
Thank you CBBT for another awesome tournament and thank you to to our Tournament Team for pulling out another awesome (and adventurous lol) win!!!