Entries by kathy

Mother Nature…

It’s not all about the fish…. you never know what you will get to see on the water! This shot is from one of yesterday’s trips… mother nature at her finest 🙂

The Cobia are still around!!

80.5 Pound COBIA on this afternoon’s trip… plus Spanish Mackerel and Bluefish… Great job everybody!!  Waiting on the picture… I’ll get it posted as soon as possible 🙂

Hatteras Dolphin

A huge Thank You to Mike and the crew…. what a fantastic group!!! You guys are a blast! We thoroughly enjoyed having you all on the boat and hope to see you again soon…. let us know how that “mahi special” turns out!!! 🙂

Hatteras Update

The Fistful headed to Hatteras Village chasing the fish!!  We have been fortunate to enjoy some fantastic fishing with great groups!  Dolphin fishing has been off the hook with the bonus of an “almost” grand slam – caught 1 white, jumped off a sail, and had a blue one in the spread on the way […]

Official Start to Summer

We had an awesome collegiate group to kick off the official start of summer today!!  Despite the sporty seas and showers they did an incredible job getting in the fish!! This shot is from the ride in…  fantastic folks like this make any day fun!!  Thank you all so much and great job!!

Dolphin Day

What better way to kick off the upcoming fishing season than to load up the dolphin with “Team Helmkamp”!!  Congratulations and great job John, Dougie, Chris, and Scott!!!  Thank you so much for coming down and fishing with us… you made the day!!  Only 2 more days of Turkey season left to go then it’s […]