Youth Turkey Day
/in Hunting - Waterfowl/by karlThis past Saturday was youth day for the spring turkey season 2011..We had an unbelievable hunt with more action then expected in the 25 plus knt winds..Started the morning out locating a gobbler still on the roost..Shortly after getting into posistion the turkey flew down from his perch and worked nicely to the call with 2 hens.He was very vocal and presented a 30 yd shot for my youngster who just didnt feel comfortable pulling the trigger.It happens..So we started over and headed to another farm walked down the path (10 am) hit the call and there he is.We get into posistion and watch him strut his stuff for over an hour in the same place.A pair of geese landed between us and the Tom plus he had a hen with him.So finally the geese leave then hen leaves and he starts coming..When he finally decided to come he came quick and presented young Daniel with a nice shot..Three big blasts and no turkey..Oh well he had a great time and so did I and everyone involved.Would have liked to have seen that one go down for him but we will get him next time.Thanks for a great hunt.
/in Hunting - Waterfowl, Outer Banks Fishing Reports, Uncategorized/by karlI like this image..Notice the hunter on the left of the photo and the STRUTTER between the trees coming to me..I am working the ole boy to him from about 10 yds back.This bird was in another field with two hens and I worked him into this smaller field threw a gap of trees that divided the two..Once he came into this smaller 3 acre field he strutted the entire way across and roared tripple gobbles over and over..He worked nicely into the 25 step range..This hunt took about 15 minutes to develop..
I snapped this image just before the shot on this true trophy strutter that scored 77.5 points..Inch and 3/4 spurs , 11 and a half inch beard and he tipped the scale at 24 pound..Mighty pretty..Classic example of how a run and gun hunt should go…
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