We had the one and only S.W EARLY aka SSSSSSSSSSSS on the boat today for some gaffer action..We found a really nice spot of water close to the beach late in the day and wound up with a good catch of mahi between HANDSHAKES…Really good class of fish for the most part being true gaffers..We did have one 30 pounder make a daring escape jumping off the cockpit floor and into the ocean..Robert was not happy…We all had a great day..

John Kraft and company

Thank you guys for spending a reat day on the ocean with us..Fishing was slow at best this day but we caught a handul of nice dolphin a blackfin tuna and pulled off a big wahoo…Also saw a sailfish..Thanks and look forward to next time and more bites..

My main man Mike Cribs

Mike is no slouch when it comes to fishing himself or duck hunting for that matter..Hes been hunting with me for six years now and we have become great friends.Allways good to see you YOU SOLID BLOCK OF ICE you…Slow going for the entire fleet in Hatteras this day with busted conditions and scattered grass..We did manage to scrape out a catch of dolphin and blackfin tunas.

Purinai and company

We set out directly on the fish this day in 15 fathoms..The sea conditions were not perfect and we found ourselves back at the dock this day by 11 am..Three of the four guys were under the weather.We did have a good catch in just about an hour of fishing with a dozen dolphin and a couple of albacores and a blackfin…Dinkys is good for that…Thank you guys and look forward to seeing you soon.

May 20th Hatteras report

We had a good bunch of guys along with us today..The day started on a blue green change running west to east in 20 fathoms..I fished up into a pretty good head sea in the morning away from more than 30 other boats taking the down sea path..Shortly after setting out we got covered up by the gaffer dolphin and it would remain that way all day until the box was full.We ended up with a great cath of bigger gaffers and 2 king mackeral..Glad everyone had a great day and will see you soon..

Gaffer dolphin fishing Hatteras

We have been in Hatteras since the 29th of April..Fishing has been great..Some days the conditions have not been as they would normally be but non the less we have had a great all around spring..We will be in Hatteras until June 3rd..We will then return to Pirates Cove for the summer where we will be nearshore fishing for spanish mackeral , bluefish , triggers , cobes , red drum , and amberjack…Please give us a call anytime to book a trip..If we are not available someone in our charter fleet will be and we will make arrangements.

Hatteras Dolphin

Pretty work guys!  A nice catch of dolphin to top off a beautiful day.  Scott and Chris – so nice to meet you both… Pop John and Dougie – thank you…as always!!  There’s nothing as special as finding the time to spend with family…no matter how far off they may be most of the year.  We need make this a habit – what a great time!

Spring Gobbler for lil jim!

 CONGRATULATIONS!!!!  Jimmy took this nice strutter in one shot as his first turkey… a great hunt and a perfect shot to bring him home! Pretty work!! Thank you guys so much for a fantastic time!

Hatteras Bound!

We are headed back to Hatteras for May!!  The Fistful boat will be at Teach’s Lair until the beginning of June… Come see us for Full day OFFSHORE trips or Half Day, 3/4 Day, and Full Day NEARSHORE trips.. our Internet access is a little limited during this time – if you have immediate interest – call Captain Karl at (252) 395 – 1907 or Kathy at (252) 455 – 1595… this is always a great time and fantastic fishing!!!

Spring Cleaning

 It finally feels like spring time! The Fistful is out of the water for a few days… a little bottom paint, some wax, and a few maintenance chores and we will be ready to head south to Hatteras… Our days are starting to fill up with Offshore (Full day) and Nearshore (Half, 3/4, and Full Day) Trips… “Dracula can see his reflection on her”