Entries by kathy


The dolphin showed up in droves this day… always great action and incredible eating!  This is a fish we never get tired of seeing (or catching!)  Almost always plentiful somewhere in the warm waters of summer off our coast, these fish are amazingly athletic and can show up in schools numbering in the hundreds behind […]

Blue Marlin…

The Blue Marlin bite was not as prolific for us this season as it was for many but we will take all the bites we get!  Getting a nice blue one to the boat…especially on smaller tackle…is an accomplishment that any angler lucky enough to fight one of these big fish can be proud of.

Sailfish Summer

The billfish were the talk of the summer…we experienced phenomenal bites off the coast of North Carolina – Sailfish and White Marlin being the heavy hitters but plenty of Blue Marlin action as well.  Double and Triple hookups were not uncommon!  This kind of fishing makes for an adrenaline filled day and it is an […]