Entries by kathy

Quickie Catch up! Spring is almost here!!

And just like that… Spring is right around the corner!!  A huge thank you to everyone this winter… another awesome season with tons of great groups!! Old friends, New friends, ducks and snow, laughs and eye rolls and way too much fun!!!  Thank you so much.  Spring is prep season for the Fistful and for […]

Rolling through Summer Fishing Outer Banks!

Our summer is rolling on!  The dolphin continue to be a presence as we steam into Billfish season!!  A huge thank you to our groups this month and a special shout out to our Pirate’s Cove Billfish Tournament Team and our Alice Kelly Girls!!!!  You guys and gals rock!!  You make what we do so […]

Carolina Boat Builders Tournament 2024!

A massive CONGRATULATIONS all the winners but especially to the boys on the FISTFUL for your 2nd place overall finish in the CAROLINA BOAT BUILDERS TOURNAMENT!!!  Wohoo Pretty Work everybody!!!! This Billfish Tournament was started over 20 years ago as a scholarship fundraiser for our local youth of boat building, commercial fishing, and charter fishing […]

Yay North Carolina Summer Fishing!!!

The last few weeks have been packed with TONS of FUN… AMAZING GROUPS… and FANTASTIC FISHING!!!  A huge THANK YOU to everyone!!!!  Our Anglers are absolutely the BEST and we can’t tell you how much we appreciate you all!  Guys, Gals, Kiddos… our crews ROCK!!!!!!  From Summer Dolphin (Mahi Mahi) to TUNA to BILLFISH plus […]

Happy Independence Day!!!

Another super fun 4th with family and friends has rolled by and the fishing continues to be fantastic!!!  Happy Birthday USA!  Thank you again Liz for putting your foot down years ago and “making” the boys take the day off and tons of thanks to Capt. Noah for all the taxi service he gets roped […]

Summer Outer Banks Fishing Rolls On!

What an awesome start to the summer!!!  Thank you so much everybody!!!  DOLPHIN, TUNA, FIREMAN HATS, CRABCAKES, and MORE!!  Way too much fun!!!!  What a great line up of fantastic crews and wonderful fishing!!  Congratulations to BB for yet another win – top youth in the JIM TOBIN Memorial Dolphin Tournament!!! Way to go Kiddo!!! […]

Summer Fishing Outer Banks style!!!

As we roll into our summer schedule the fishing continues!!  The yellowfin TUNA have stayed around for some days but it’s been our pals the dolphin (MAHI MAHI) that are the stars of the show!!  A special guest appearance by our North Carolina state saltwater fish – the RED DRUM – put the icing on […]

Let’s go Fishing!!

And just like that… summer is here and it’s time to go fishing!!!  After a phenomenal winter waterfowl season and then chasing spring turkeys (Thank you everybody!!! What a blast as always!!) we are back to the ocean!  The boys kicked off the season with a win in the Ocean’s East Cobia Tournament (Pretty work […]

Late Summer Fishing!

What an amazing last few weeks!!  Tons of fun with awesome groups!!  Congrats to BB on his 44th species caught to date… Yay Sailfish!!! (technically 3 sailfish! Way to go kiddo!!!!).  Our Alice Kelly Girls… Our Atlanta + home crowd… our Martinsville Fam… our crew from Suffolk… J Mont in the house… And everyone else!!!  […]

Summer Fishing Outer Banks Style!!

The summer is rolling by with lightening speed!!  What a great last few weeks – way to go everybody!!  Fantastic groups and awesome fishing!!  Every day is different – Dolphin, Tuna, Wahoo, Billfish, Tiles… even found the RED DRUM on the way in one day for some catch and release action Whoa!!!!  Congratulations to everyone […]